Disordered Eating v.s. Eating Disorders

The focus on body image and dieting has never been more prevalent than it is today. Diet culture is a 70 billion dollar industry. It's not uncommon for people to worry about their eating habits or engage in behaviors that could be labeled as "disordered." A question I get a lot is what the difference between disordered eating is and eating disorders. In this blog post, we'll explore the key differences between these two concepts, delve into the symptoms of an eating disorder, and highlight the value of having a registered dietitian as part of your support system.

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Natalie Grun
Amenorrhea and Fertility in Women

Have you ever wondered about your fertility? What can impact, harm, or enhance your fertility? You may be a woman trying to get pregnant, maybe you plan to have children many years down the road, or maybe you don’t want kids at all! Regardless of your future family desires, it is important to know how impactful our menstrual cycles are to our overall health and wellness, and how our nutrition and movement plays a role in this very process. (Disclaimer: this article does not address IVF or IUI and is not meant to minimize the true difficulties that may come from infertility).

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Natalie Grun
What is Menstrual Cycle and Amenorrhea

There are many unique things about being a woman, and the menstrual cycle is something we should learn to love (okay maybe not that far) and appreciate. There is much more than meets the eye in this week-long, recurring event.

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Natalie Grun
Eating Disorders in Athletes

Athletes are a uniquely vulnerable population when it comes to eating disorders and disordered eating. This is due to the relationship between how their nutritional intake affects their athletic performance and their training schedule. It is key to understand the risks athletes face in providing them support and coaching before their condition may require long-term recovery.

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Natalie Grun
What Breastfeeding Taught Me

To start, I didn’t have the easiest labor. It lasted 3 days… yes 3 days. My blood pressure also shot up during labor and I had to immediately be put on magnesium post delivery. If you are not familiar with this, essentially magnesium makes you feel like you have the flu and you are bed ridden for 24 hours. Going through labor was already hard enough and then this on top of it just made it even harder. 

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Natalie Grun
5 Reasons to Try Intuitive Eating

Intuitive eating is an approach to nourishment that emphasizes listening to ones body rather than following external rules or restrictions around food. It can be a helpful way to develop a healthier relationship with food and improve your overall well-being. Here are five reasons to try intuitive eating.

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Natalie Grun