Supporting Your Journey Beyond Chronic Dieting

If you’ve been trapped in the endless cycle of chronic dieting, our team of registered dietitians is here to help you break free. We offer a collaborative and compassionate approach to embracing intuitive eating and building a healthier relationship with food.

Chronic Dieting and Intuitive Eating:

Chronic Dieting

What is Chronic Dieting?

Chronic dieting is repeated cycles of restriction, overeating, and dieting. This can leave one feeling frustrated and disconnected from one's body. Overtime this pattern can significantly impact ones physical and emotional health.

Intuitive Eating

What is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive eating is a non-diet approach that helps you reconnect with your body’s natural cues. Instead of focusing on restrictive diets or the number on the scale, intuitive eating encourages you to listen to your body’s needs without guilt or shame attached to it.

Conditions We Help With:

Our team specializes in supporting individuals who have experienced chronic dieting, disordered eating habits, and those looking to embrace a more intuitive, sustainable approach to food. We help with (but not limited to)

- Body Image Struggles
- Chronic Dieting Cycles
- Emotional Eating
- Food Guilt and Shame
- Overcoming the Fear of Food
- Restrictive Eating

Our goal is to help you break away from the harmful patterns of chronic dieting and instead work on developing a healthy relationship with food and your body.

Our Services:


Personalized 1-on-1 Nutrition Counseling

We offer individual nutrition counseling virtually or in-person, tailored to your needs and preferences. Sessions begin with a 75-minute initial assessment to evaluate your current relationship with food and your goals. Follow-up appointments are 55 minutes long. Frequency of sessions will be discussed with your provider.

Why Choose Us?

Redefining Health Beyond Dieting
We believe that health is not about dieting or restricting, but about developing a healthy, sustainable relationship with food. Together we will work on how to make this shift and implement intuitive eating practices. 

Collaborative Care
We value collaboration and work alongside other members of your treatment team, such as therapists, doctors, psychiatrists, and nurse practitioners. This is important to make sure all of your needs are being addressed simultaneously.


Ready to Take the First Step Toward Freedom from Dieting?